The growing importance of part-time work
Whereas in 1991, only 25% of employees worked part-time, today the figure is around 37%. Part-time workers often have to optimise their pension provision themselves, which can lead to gaps – not just in their savings contributions but also in terms of uninsured risks. According to a study by recruitment agency Adecco, the shortage of skilled workers has increased by 55% since 2015. Unemployment is the lowest it has been for 20 years. Companies are therefore well advised to take a holistic look at their job offering in order to remain attractive.
Part-time models are a planning challenge for everyone involved. In 2022, the Federal Statistical Office published data showing that around 58% of women and almost 19% of men work part-time. And that number is rising. According to a study by the University of Zurich (2022), companies that actively offer part-time working models find it easier to recruit younger skilled workers and can retain their expertise at the company for longer. The study also shows that part-time employees are generally more satisfied and less stressed, which has a positive impact on productivity, health and staff turnover.
Part-time work and its impact on pensions
Companies and their HR managers should inform part-time employees about their pension shortfalls and uninsured risks. For their part, part-time employees should take note of the following tips and questions:
Tip 1: Study your pension statement carefully and check your insured salary. How much capital is actually available today and how much is projected to be available at retirement age? What benefits will you receive in the event of disability? Do you have the option to make voluntary BVG buy-ins?
Tip 2: Insure risks for which you have no or insufficient coverage. There are ways to insure risks. Our experts will be happy to show you the possible options.
Tip 3: Pillar 3a before BVG buy-in. Have you already paid the full amount into your pillar 3a solution for the current year? In pillar 3a – as is also the case with PensFlex or PensUnit by the way – your money is protected against possible redistribution. You can open our digital 3a solution in a few minutes, without any need for signatures or paper documents. Interested?