PensExpert 1e Power – a combined solution with added: Utilise buy-in potential, boost pension provision and cut your tax bill

Management pension provision
PensExpert 1e Power may be the solution sought by employees and entrepreneurs with higher incomes who want to maximise their occupational pension provision. This unique combined solution provides (even) more buy-in potential and is our innovative response to regulatory restrictions in the area of 1e retirement provision.
26. June 2024
Written by
Mark Huber
Partner, Member of EB

The challenge

People on higher incomes are faced with a disproportionately high tax burden, so they often strive to pay the maximum possible amounts into their pension schemes. This enables them to improve their retirement provision, ensure their financial security and exploit existing tax advantages. Responsible companies therefore implement 1e management pension plans for senior executives with annual incomes of more than CHF 132,300. In this way, companies generate financial benefits for themselves and their specialists and managers.

Legislators introduced restrictions on 1e plans in October 2017. As well as restricting savings contributions (to a maximum of 25%), the buy-in potential was reduced by the abolition of a 2% rate of compounded interest. As a result, 1e plans lost significant tax savings potential.

Our solution

Restrictions of this kind are an incentive for us to continuously innovate. The PensExpert 1e Power solution is a unique combination of PensFlex (1e) and PensUnit. Demand for this combined solution is strong as it restores lost buy-in potential. With us, you will regain the stability you are accustomed to in your personal retirement planning and can increase your tax benefits.

Some of the advantages:

Written by
Mark Huber
Partner, Member of EB